Brand Naming
My brand naming services will help your company stand out.
As an experienced writer, I provide a wide range of related services that can boost your company’s potential.
After 2019, I decided to pursue freelance copywriting as it allows me to accomplish more without limiting my free time.
I continued my career at TemplateMonster, one of the biggest website templates providers. I was employed as a senior copywriter.
My first place of employment was BBDO Agency located in New York City, which I joined right after graduating Harvard University.
I started my self-development as a copywriter at Harvard University where I have studied creative writing for 5 years.
I started my professional education at Boston Creative College where I took a copywriting course, which defined my future.
My name is Oliver Bates and I am a qualified copywriter offering writing-related services. I create texts that talk to people rationally and emotionally. My texts are designed to motivate your customers.
Full CV (pdf)Advertising
75SEO Copywriting
33Brand Naming
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For me, copywriting is all about people, so understanding you and your customers is key to my approach. I like to build a relationship, work together as a team to achieve the set goals and to do a good job so that you were satisfied.
Patrick Mills
Regular customer
We briefed out a number of watch copywriters to improve our website copy. We chose Oliver based on his previous experiences and professional response to the brief.
Paul Johnston
Regular customer
It was a pleasure to work with Oliver. He delivered what we outlined in our brief perfectly and in a short timescale. He achieved this through well-written copy and SEO keywords.
Michelle Stanley
Regular customer
I’ve been working with Oliver for the past month. During that time, he has edited my script for an online tutorial video which is an entirely new project. I’m very grateful for this.